❀❀❀ Yeundeungpo Special [팸투어] article ❀❀❀
The 63 Restaurant has a Bakery, GF Buffet Restaurant which is located on the first floor of the building followed up on the 57Th floor by a Chinese Restaurant, 58th-floor Shuchiku Japanese Restaurant, and Touch the Sky which is a French-style restaurant and on the 59th floor the European Style Restaurant,🌬️ Walking on the Cloud.🌬️
Walking On The Cloud (워킹온더클라우드), offers a stunning view from atop a skyscraper and a variety of delectable foods. The European restaurant serves delectable food in a setting reminiscent of a European garden. There are more than 300 different varieties of wine from across the world available in the restaurant's extra-large wine cellar.
The restaurant was included in the SBS program "The Palace of Dreams" as well. The establishment is a favorite among couples since it serves classic Western cuisine such as steaks and dishes with ocean crawfish and hosts a live musical trio with a violin, piano, and contrabass.
The elite chef also created a menu that was in line with Korean preferences and included meals that were free of fat and had a fresh taste.

Lunch menu:
KRW 65,000 ~ 120,000
KRW 70,000 ~ 150,000
Diner menu:
KRW 110,000 ~ 270,00
Garden salad bar:
KRW 53,000 ~ 100,000
For our lunch menu we had:
❈ Snail with Herbs and Garlic Butter (허버와 마늘 버터 곁들인 달팽이) ❈French Onion soup(프렌치 양파 스프)
❈Griller Toothfish with Shiitake and Pineapple (표고와 파인애플을 결들인 메로구이)
❈Sherbet (셔벗)
❈Charcoal-grilled beef Tenderloin Steak (참숯에 구운 최고급 소고기 안심 스테이크)
❈Special dessert (특성 디저트)
❈Coffee or tea (커피 또는 차) Price: Lunch -
Hours: Restaurant (11:30 ~ 15:00 / 17:30 ~ 22:00)
BAR (17:30 ~ 01:00 / Weekend, Holiday 24:00) Website: https://www.63restaurant.co.kr/r63en/introduction.r63?shop_idrest=31040
Address: 63Buliding, 50, 63-ro, Yeongdeungpo-gu, Seoul (150-763)

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Thanks, #영등포구청 and @ydp_tourism for the amazing gift of having the privilege to eat in such an amazing place.