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Where to buy books online in Korea

Updated: Jan 18, 2023

Where to shop buy for books online in Korea

It is hard to find books at a reasonable price in Korea and mostly university ones. So, we came up with a solution to your problems. Below we give you a list of websites and apps where you can purchase new or old books for cheap.

Online bookstore to order in Korea 알라딘


  • new and old books, CDs, DVDs

  • Service offered in Korean

eBook: Android | iOS

Online bookstore to order in Korea Kyobo 교보문고


  • books, stationery, movies, CDs, DVDs

eBook: Android | iOS

Online bookstore to order in Korea 인터파크 interpark


  • Service offered in English, Chinese, Japanese and Korean

  • concerts, festivals, CDs, DVDs, books, and general shopping

Online bookstore to order in Korea 예스이십사 YES24


  • books, festival tickets, concerts, movies, and second-hand shops, CDs, DVDs

  • Service offered in Korean

eBooks: Android | iOS

Online bookstore to order in Korea Jungonara (중고나라)

Jungonara (중고나라)

  • on this site, you can post and buy used products

  • web application

  • Korean language

While being a student in Korea these can be one of the most useful apps where you can buy books. Always check them out if you want a cheap way to live and study.


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