It is hard to find books at a reasonable price in Korea and mostly university ones. So, we came up with a solution to your problems. Below we give you a list of websites and apps where you can purchase new or old books for cheap.
new and old books, CDs, DVDs
Service offered in Korean
books, stationery, movies, CDs, DVDs
Service offered in English, Chinese, Japanese and Korean
concerts, festivals, CDs, DVDs, books, and general shopping
books, festival tickets, concerts, movies, and second-hand shops, CDs, DVDs
Service offered in Korean
Jungonara (중고나라)
on this site, you can post and buy used products
web application
Korean language
While being a student in Korea these can be one of the most useful apps where you can buy books. Always check them out if you want a cheap way to live and study.