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Tony Giny

How to log in with certificates on different websites

Updated: Apr 26, 2022

Most Korean governmental websites require a special login method, which uses certificates such as Kakao, Naver, or 공동인증서(구 공인인증서) Digital Certificate or Digital signature. A lot of us can't understand how to make one or how to use it to log in. We have made a special article for each of them, and now we will explain how to log in using this certificate.

How to log in with certificates on different websites

When you open certain applications, they will have this type of menu. This menu gives you the opportunity to choose what type of login you want.

The first one is the digital certificate from the bank, the second is the certificate from other companies, and the last is the financial certificate.

We mostly use the digital ones or Kakao and Naver ones. The easiest to make and to log in with.

For the first one, when you press on it, this page will open, this page will ask you to choose the certificate and then put the correct password that you have on that certificate. After this is completed then you can just log in.

How to log in with certificates on different websites

For the other companies, you have to choose which one of them you want, then input your name, date of birth or id card number (by case), and phone number, press next or 다음.

You will receive a message on that application that you need to check and press confirm or 확인. After just come back to the page and you will be logged in.

How to log in with certificates on different websites

For the financial certificate, in case you have it, just input your name, phone number, and date of birth and press confirm or 확인. Then if the certificate is confirmed you will log in.

Using a certificate to log in is pretty easy, and is required for a lot of websites, so make sure to have them and use them properly, also to check their expiration dates.


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