Korea is a unique country that has a lot of verification ways so people won't take advantage and steal from you or use your personal information. One of them is the verification code also named 인증번호. Below you have a guide on how to use it. This code is very important in Korea and sometimes it is needed for most trivial processes.
Verification code in Korea:
Korea is a country where using almost any application or making a new ID on a website needs to be verified by a phone number. This verification system asks you for a code, which is called a certification number (인증번호). It can be taken as a virtual certificate from the bank, or as a message through your
phone number. To receive the code, you must follow the steps below. The whole process can take 5 minutes. However sometimes Korean companies do not spell the correct foreign name, and you cannot access this code by phone so make sure to verify your name in the contract.
For the Korean version access this 휴대폰 - 인증.
How to use it.
The first step is to choose the mobile phone company, if you have 알뜰 or prepaid, then select
(알뜰) followed by the company you got your phone number from. Then you need to type the name (from the contract, even if it is incorrect) in capital letters, year of birth in YYYYMMDD format (year,
month, day), select foreigner (외국인) and fem / masc. (여 / 남), and enter your Korean phone without spaces. Some applications have a set of security numbers and some boxes that you should check below. After entering everything, and selecting everything, press confirm (확인). The last page shows a space where you need to put the code received via SMS. Just remember, if you don't have money on your SIM card, or your subscription isn't paid, this code will give you an error and you can't use the system.

Kakaotalk has a certificate that you can use instead of this code. If you have a Korean bank account and make a KAKAOTALK certificate things will be easier. Check out our Kakakotalk article for more!